Skills Timeline

This is not a list of all my skills, but more of a reference to some of the major languages I've learned and how I progressed year after year. My skill set is extremely extensive, but these are some of the most memorable big ideas I've learned throughout the years, starting in 2011 when I bought my first programming textbook, then the next, then the next...

My Timeline

  • 2011

    BASIC, C++, Java

  • 2012

    HTML, Bash

  • 2013

    Android Publishing

  • 2015

    Visual Basic, JavaScript, Flash

  • 2016

    Logic Gates and Computer Engineering

  • 2017

    Unity, C#, .NET, Python, SQL

  • 2018

    C, R, MIPS, Jupyter, SciKit, Pandas, UNIX, Powershell, Agile Scrum, 3D Physics Development

  • 2019


  • 2021

    REST API, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Swagger, Mongoose

  • 2022

    Bootstrap, SageMaker, Haskell, Racket, Numpy, PyTorch, TensorFlow

  • 2023

    Quantum Computing, Qiskit, OpenQASM, Cumulocity IoT, Azure Server Architectures, Angular, ArcGIS JavaScript API

  • 2024

    Quantum Error Correction, Apache, Django, Digital Ocean, eCommerce Marketplaces, Web App Deployment and CI/CD, API Development, Japanese Language, Logistics Networks, Wordpress Development