This is not a list of all my skills, but more of a reference to some of the major languages I've learned and how I progressed year after year. My skill set is extremely extensive, but these are some of the most memorable big ideas I've learned throughout the years, starting in 2011 when I bought my first programming textbook, then the next, then the next...
BASIC, C++, Java
HTML, Bash
Android Publishing
Visual Basic, JavaScript, Flash
Logic Gates and Computer Engineering
Unity, C#, .NET, Python, SQL
C, R, MIPS, Jupyter, SciKit, Pandas, UNIX, Powershell, Agile Scrum, 3D Physics Development
REST API, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Swagger, Mongoose
Bootstrap, SageMaker, Haskell, Racket, Numpy, PyTorch, TensorFlow
Quantum Computing, Qiskit, OpenQASM, Cumulocity IoT, Azure Server Architectures, Angular, ArcGIS JavaScript API
Quantum Error Correction, Apache, Django, Digital Ocean, eCommerce Marketplaces, Web App Deployment and CI/CD, API Development, Japanese Language, Logistics Networks, Wordpress Development